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2024-01-15来源:网络阅读: 1196


Revival and development of medical services



The rejuvenation and development of China's fine traditional culture is the foundation of strong rejuvenation, national rejuvenation and prosperity. It is an inevitable task of building on past achievements and forging ahead. The revival and development of TCM is an indispensable part, so what about the revitalization and development of TCM?


Since the May 4th Patriotic Movement, we explore the road of rich country, pay attention to economy and science and technology, and lost confidence in their excellent traditional culture, or confidence is not enough, so insufficient attention, insufficient development, the lack of talent, cultural inheritance since the founding of new China, following the western education concept, leading to the national university of traditional Chinese medicine textbooks, all is to learn western medicine, using Chinese medicine vocabulary and terms, but the inner way of thinking, and to understand and explain these terms, are western medicine system, western medicine thinking. And with the western medicine thought to guide the assessment of Chinese medicine standards, but they do not know that the Chinese medicine and western medicine thinking mode is very different, thus affecting the development of Chinese medicine.



The advertised Western civilization is nothing more than science and democracy, A western medicine that has been developed for less than a few hundred years, In a white mandarin jacket, Nonobility and science, Western medicine is wearing a scientific coat, And it hides an unscientific core; And traditional Chinese medicine wears an unscientific coat, It is the powerful core of science and metaphysics; The gorgeous surface of western medicine hides the inner inside, But it can confuse people, The muddled western medicine represents the advanced, So the unknown reason or the culture is not high, In addition, the propaganda with ulterior motives should consciously and purposefully suppress the development of TCM, So western medicine is so popular, Because of the artificial suppression of traditional Chinese medicine and the lack of understanding of most Chinese people, So traditional Chinese medicine surviin the crevice; The cure of Western medicine, Is being treated directly on the lesion, Practical and technical and strong, Kcut needle seam, The blind man can feel it, The average person, with a little intelligence, As long as it is not a fool, Can see or feel its direct effect, Digital data assessment is also intuitive and simple; While TCM is not a sensory level, With difficult to quantify management, The average person is hard to understand, So I was stuck in the black alley.


Is there any problem with traditional Chinese medicine? Yes, and the problem is obvious; in the requirement of learners, practitioners, people must strive for the sufferings of the people in the world, for the people, for the noble sentiment to serve the people, this moral level is not what the ordinary people can achieve; so it is difficult to learn its true. Ancient pharmacy heart wish and starting point are: for the RMB, but all to the economic construction of the center, the hospital requires daily gold, hope heavy traffic, and under the guidance of commission bonuses and dividends, the disease and disease to the disease to the disease; so the hospital has forgotten the original intention. The difference between the poor and the rich is a serious illness; even the pharmacy is selling drugs, buy 200 yuan for five eggs; the hospital learn Han Xin point soldiers, the more the better. See the quantity and benefit, selling drugs also has the task, so see a doctor and selling medicine is the work assessment; in the interests, from the western medicine, like a rush into the colleges and universities, of course, graduate practitioners is far greater than Chinese medicine personnel, now the development is obviously inferior to western medicine, western medicine assessment of Chinese medicine, forcing Chinese medicine atrophy. In this case, how can TCM surpass western medicine? So there is a problem with TCM itself; and obviously. But god knows the answer, let the plague flu test the ability of Chinese medicine and western medicine, so, people found that blindly elimination of Chinese medicine is wrong!


TCM itself believes that TCM by itself cannot cure diseases, This is the opposite of the western medicine propaganda; Traditional Chinese medicine views the human body as the best drug depot, Traditional Chinese medicine by itself does not cure diseases, But through Chinese medicine to help the body restore the function of the five zang and viscera, So as to stimulate people's self-healing ability; Traditional Chinese medicine treatment, By analyzing the cold and heat of the symptoms, false or true, the outside and the inside, yin and yang, Seasonal and dialectical treatment; And there are external causes of the disease, endopathic, Golden blade fatigue insect animal diet and other non-internal and external causes; This is the more complicated, External cause to heaven and earth nature, The understanding of their own constitution, There are also non-external causes and non-internal causes; This makes westerthinking with knives and forks a little crooked; Treat a disease, All the aspects of this consideration, Such as internal disease and external treatment, External treatment depends on the qi and blood circulation of traditional Chinese medicine, Cold and hot virtual conditions, Absence of discharge, Whether to tototoxin muscle, Cutting with Western Medicine, The turing is different, Too much thought; Not simple and unknown; Like treatment for cancer, Traditional Chinese medicine has no cancer concept, And western medicine propaganda has gained popular, Cancer is not curative, A cure is a miracle; So Western medicine for cancer is surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, All are for cancer outcomes; Chinese medicine for cancer, Disorganization of cancer must be reversed, From the cause of cancer is the physical environment, Adjust your body to survive this cancer, Development perspective, The cohesion process of cancer is a self-protection process. West treatment of hundreds of thousands of cancer is very common, cure but also red envelopes, cure and do not bear the responsibility; and the treatment of the cost of hundreds of thousands of yuan, cure is illegal medical practice, all kinds of attacks, let the medical practitioners retreat.


The thinking of traditional Chinese medicine is the holistic view, the unity of nature and man, and the theory of balance


Traditional Chinese medicine to people between heaven and earth, and celestial things is one, is unified, inseparable, not two, but western medicine is just two, the human body and nature have a high degree of unity, so the treatment of disease, also want to put people in nature to seasonal treatment, according to local conditions, and the body is a part and another part, they have no whole idea, headache is headache, why to treat the stomach or blood vessels? For the unity of man and nature, they do not realize this height and dimension, so they can not understand, so it is unscientific; cutting becomes a skill; cutting, cut wrong seam can not see oh.


From the legend of Nu Wa mending the sky, We understand that there is a holistic concept in the Chinese gene, If there is a gap, And, of course, people who get sick will have to be treated; From the unified theory of Fuxi's Eight Diagrams, In the theory of Yin and Yang and the five elements, It is not difficult to see the way of holistic view; In our ancestral concept of thought, The gas fills the universe, Man in the celestial bodies and all things are in harmony; Man is in the gas, Qi is in the people, vitality, Is is generated from a chaotic state, Make everything, but, The gas did not go away, By gathering and forming together, Ster is no trace, The holistic view of TCM is the embodiment of the way of heaven, It has nothing to do with philosophy or philosophy; Geographic environment has an impact on the human body, The human body also has a role and influence on the geographical environment; Ecological environment is an interaction; Traditional Chinese medicine advocates the natural whole generation, The six fu organs are the core of life, Through the meridians of Qi and blood, Between the five veins, skin, tendons, meat, bone, and viscera, Is the field force, Is the magnetic field, interaction. So curing diseases is a dialectical analysis, a comprehensive consideration. How can most Westerners fully understand the theory of gasification?


And the unity of man and man, Man and heaven and earth are one, It is mutually influential; For example, one reason for illness is for eating men and women, One is the rage of heaven, One is a geographical disease, Is the popular folk geomantic omen disease, There is also the so-called soul creditors; This involves a lot of problems, And it does not conform to our current political theory and orientation; The disease that belongs to that level is biased by that approach; The heavenly disease is the disease of the heaven, Is that all kinds of infectious diseases, flu, It is the anger of heaven and earth, The disease of the earth is the disease of feng shui, Mainly, the tumors, Cancer, et al., Both diseases that are now endemic in many countries, Is that the reason, You can consider it; We do not advocate this statement; However, we should advocate the view of harmony between human and natural environment.


The balance theory is the fundamental and the soul of healing, so I will focus on it.


The theory of balance is discussed in Zhouyi, which can show all things; Taihe thought, the soul of Yi Dao. Force to balance, the foundation of conditioning. Balancing Taihe thinking is the foundation of the I Ching. Different views, different angles, there are different; wisdom, different opinions; millennium debate, no certainty. Chinese origin, from the I Ching, strange flower, easy water irrigation, carefully considered, the I Ching, balance the crown. Read easy to understand, everything, only near the balance, then the United States. Balance with heart, natural static, rational action. Zhouyi thinking, to balance the theory. Feng shui conditioning, balance too he, then circulation, then harmony.


The cosmic bodies have different orbits and different movements; galaxies are balanced. If the derailment, the balance is broken, the disaster is constant; the ancient stars, divination auspicious, predict the future, think carefully, the truth is clear. Only near balance, then reach he.


The five elements phase transport, phase phase, on the contrary, can not be checked. The five elements of the circulation, endless growth. Learn the theory of easy, with easy to recuperate, think carefully, a principle, balance too high.


People live on the ground, man on the origin; the source of life, the earth pregnant; man and the earth, such as mother and son, connected; mother has evil traces, the son can be flat? The earth is in the universe, large or small by the interstellar influence, only balance, everything blessed; man and other animals, and other plants, people, because of the balance, because of the balance, stable development; harmony and happiness.


The ignorant development of nature, the earth warming, less primeval forests, desertification is increasingly serious, pollution of the environment, the result, only the punishment of nature. More wealth, less happiness; difficult to not sorrow? Why, the balance in the heart, the balance principle between man and nature is often broken.


And man itself, Yin and Yang balance, all diseases, Yin and Yang imbalance, disease disease; crazy madman, wisdom is not bad, because of Yang, because of Yin coke, balance is broken, it is far away. Easy medicine is the same, the theory of traditional Chinese medicine is extensive and profound, careful thinking, is to adjust the balance of Yin and Yang, with balance as the theoretical basis, because grasp the key things, so unique and fine.


The essence of Chinese culture for thousands of years is also called the doctrine of the mean, and the guiding ideology of the doctrine of the mean comes from Zhouyi, that is, the view of balance. Because balance can be equal, because equality can be stable, because stability can be harmonious. To resolve the current international disputes, we should start from balance and equality. Therefore, the Chinese culture is unique, always keeping its youth and always shining with the light of wisdom.


Leading cadres, play a role, balance contradiction, solve contradiction, balance relationship, to harmonious development. Scientific management, fine management, all for the balance effect; economic regulation, balance prices; economic imbalance, unrest; big countries, small countries, balance interests; interests, small contacts, big war; human society, the balance is broken, problems increase, disaster. Therefore, a wise cadre is a master of a balance of the relationship. The art of leadership is the art of balancing relationships.


Yang Zhai Yang Yang be the spirit chang, Yin house Yin gas thick, in terms of feng conditioning, no matter what school, no matter what method, for the force to balance, too, Yang Zhai prosperous field, to the owner phase dominant, and then balance too, Yin house processing, is the same, to balance too, constantly, and the best.


Throughout the world, all to balance and place. I realize zhouyi, only balance Taihe. On the central view of Zhouyi, we think that it is the theory of supreme harmony. With a balanced mentality, we will not deviate from the middle center of things. As the Chinese Chinese people, as a Chinese, let the balance of supreme harmony, implanted in our souls. The world will be harmonious.


And Yi Yi is the same, so the way of thinking of TCM is balance; how to balance the method? We should start with the essence of traditional Chinese medicine treatment.


The opinion of TCM is: the lack of vital qi is the source of disease; Western medicine is complementary and experimental medicine, and Western medicine is good at surgery, while Chinese medicine is good at conditioning.


The essence of TCM treatment starts from the four qi and five tastes; the five flavors of TCM medicine refer to the cold, warm, warm and cold. The five flavors of traditional Chinese medicine are from the nature and taste of traditional Chinese medicine, namely, the nature, the taste and smell, Chinese medicine.


And the ancients thought that people get sick because of personal illness, Sness is not right in heaven and earth, Improper position, Not then the energy, In some ways, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion, Massage, etc., Take these improper positions, Not then the energy, Put it in his place back then, It became yuan zhen, There is no sickness, There was no bad stuff left, If you have sick in your head, That sickness will surely come to you, If you do nothing, Then there will be no sickness; This has the lead technique, That is, qigong treatment, And there came the doctrine of spirit, training of qi, tonifying Qi, directing one's strength, Gas use and so on, Then have martial arts sports health care, Thus came the unique Chinese calligraphy, drawing, music, Martial arts meditation and other cultural connotations, Because they are also closely related to healing, It can be seen that the Chinese medical culture is not only about curing diseases.


And the ancients thought that people get sick because of personal illness, Sness is not right in heaven and earth, Improper position, Not then the energy, In some ways, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion, Massage, etc., Take these improper positions, Not then the energy, Put it in his place back then, It became yuan zhen, There is no sickness, There was no bad stuff left, If you have sick in your head, That sickness will surely come to you, If you do nothing, Then there will be no sickness; This has the lead technique, That is, qigong treatment, And there came the doctrine of spirit, training of qi, tonifying Qi, directing one's strength, Gas use and so on, Then have martial arts sports health care, Thus came the unique Chinese calligraphy, drawing, music, Martial arts meditation and other cultural connotations, Because they are also closely related to healing, It can be seen that the Chinese medical culture is not only about curing diseases;








Xin, mainly used for divergence, blood, used to treat the surface disease;

Gan, mainly used to supplement the benefits, used to treat the deficiency disease;

Acid, mainly used for convergence, solid astringent, in the treatment of sweating, diarrhea and other diseases;

Salalty, mainly used for laxative, diarrhea and soft firmness, commonly used to treat the disease with mass symptoms, can also eliminate phlegm fire tuberculosis;

Arerbity, similar to sour Chinese medicine;

Light, diuresis, for edema, urine adverse disease effect;

Bitter, have the fire detoxification and humidification effect;


Because the human body is a whole, the disease is the imbalance of Yin and Yang of the body, using the four qi and five flavors of traditional Chinese medicine, adjust to achieve the balance, the human body will be cured.


To grasp the balance is starting from the perspective of Yin and Yang, The Yin and Yang thinking is also the dialectical thinking; The Yin and Yang people, The way of heaven and earth is also, the general order and law of all matters, the root cause of various changes of the universe, the motive power of flourishing and perishing of matters, The house of the gods is also; Cure diseases must seek in this; The dialectical treatment of disease is the basic principle, Dialectical, is the analysis, synthesize, To identify the cause of the disease, property, position, And the relationship between evil and good, summarize, Symptoms judged as a certain type of clinical experience, Or four diagnosis, Seven-word argument disease, And the relationship between Yin and Yang and evil and positive, Thus, by the generalization, Symptoms of some nature to reveal the nature of the disease, To find the best treatment options; The healing of the saints of classical Chinese medicine, Must know the Yin and Yang of heaven and earth, Four brokerage, Five zang and six fu fu, Male and female appearance wrapped, Stare moxibustion needle stone, Born of the poison, Calm the personnel, To clear the way, High and poor, Different texture, Between young and long, The principle of courage and timidity, In all, The beginning of curing the disease, Eight are nine hou, The diagnosis must be an assistant.


The movement change of Yin and Yang, including the process of quantitative change and qualitative change, the growth and fall of Yin and Yang is a process of quantitative change, The treatment of traditional Chinese medicine is the use of the energy of Yin and Yang to affect the human body to achieve a balance of Yin and Yang, which is the principle of the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine is still in a secretive state. Because this also involves the classification of traditional Chinese medicine.


Having said so much, what are the concepts of TCM? The first: the essence theory, is the spirit theory; the second: the Yin and Yang theory; the third: the five elements theory; the fourth: the Tibetan elephant theory; the fifth: the meridian theory.


To carry forward the majority of traditional Chinese medicine, we should comprehensively inherit and develop from the concept of traditional Chinese medicine, but we are not the development of Confucian medicine, because the five classics, the classical death. Confucius compiled the five classics, the Confucian status for thousands of years, is an important part of the traditional Chinese culture; but the old man hole the three grave five classics all destroyed, conform to the Confucius will down, do not conform to the burning, changed the Taoist inheritance, so the Taoist medicine in Confucianism; therefore now popular Chinese medicine is Confucian medicine and modern medicine, Confucian medicine, modern medicine and Taoist medicine is the medicine. By the way of medicine and medicine, the TCM medicine in the door, in the heaven and earth, in "nine chapters arithmetic", calculate different human time and space, different circumstances which window should open, the window is the most fine place, this is the essence of the Taoist acupuncture, why some way acupuncture, because they use the Confucian medicine will not three grave five Canon, inheriting the "collection", "even mountain easy" and Zhuyou, has a comprehensive use of Confucian medicine, also use the spirit information, cosmic energy.


Therefore, we carry forward the vast number of medicine, carry forward the medicine, the complete traditional Chinese medicine, for the benefit of the public.


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